This helps with achy joints.
After researching and discovering proteolytic enzymes years ago in relation to my issues and pricing them through various sources was delighted to see Mannatech’s version best and most reasonably priced!
I would never consider being without this product. It has made an incredible difference in my musculoskeletal health. I can exercise long and hard very comfortably and rarely experience any discomfort afterwards. This is by far one of your top products! I would be miserable without it. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep in in your product line.
Excellent for recovery from physical activity after working in the yard on the weekend. With pain in my back BounceBack helps me sleep better through the night
I am 65 and play intense pickleball (formally a raquetball player) and find my physical recovery is definitely helped by this product.
I don't ever want to be without Bounce Back,it keeps my body working well, I take it every day.
My husband uses this every day. It helps him keep his body in motion
It helps to maintain joint health. But it is rather expensive. Therefore, it is somewhat hesitant to consume enough often. I would like to organize a 'joint health bundle'. Recommendations are BounceBack, Catalyst, Ambrotose Capsule, Omega 3/ Vitamin D3. etc.
I have been taking this since it was released back in I believe 2009. Fantastic product that keeps me moving!
Another must! I take this early in the morning before I do my stretching and have my shakes. 56 years old pain-free and taking life by the horns
I have been taking this product regularly for several years now and find it helpful to my mobility as a 70+ senior citizen.
By far one of the most effective products I take. I use a double dose & it helps me tremendously with athletic recovery & comfort. It is rather pricey but it works so I continue to buy it.
An incredible product! Everyone on the planet should be on this specific ones. I am grateful we are opening up in other countries so they can actually reap the benefits. GREAT JOB MANNATECH!
I use this along with the sport, especially if I have an injury or extra soreness.
Works great for targeting inflammation. Helps with early morning tightness in my back.
I just started using it 2 days ago and I think I already feel a difference.